Sunday, February 21, 2010

Soy's Birthday Party

Today began with bagels.... followed my a stressed-out mom with 100 things to do before the party and less time to do them in! Three hours of cleaning and last minute grocery stop and daddy pitching in to do whatever I threw at him.... and we're ready to party! When we asked Sawyer what he wanted to do for his birthday, he said "go see the we-ooo, we-ooo" (fire truck). So I scheduled the tour (which they didn't know about even though they had plenty of notice... anyways...) and we began the party at the fire station. The kids loved climbing in the trucks and seeing the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. They saw the computers, but really just wanted to see the trucks and the ambulance. So us adults (parents and firemen) hung out and let the kids run around the garage for a while. Then it was back to the house. We started with the fire truck pinata... too much fun.... although the broom handle that was twice as long as the child was tall and swinging it too close to the Jeep brought up thoughts of auto repair, but no accidents ensued. :) Then for the major surprise....... the most major of all surprises.... the thing he will remember ALL of his life.... (I hope!)
Oh YES we did! Thanks to a friend of a friend, we got a REAL fire truck to come to the house! Lights, sirens, the whole NINE yards! :) Doug was awesome! He gave Soy a little matchbox fire truck and Soy got to wear a hat and coat.Then we all got to ride on the fire truck. Thought we were going to go around the neighborhood, but since there is an elementary school right around the corner, we decided to go there and unleash the hose. :) So- me, Soy, Liam, Ben and Ivan climbed on up. (really, is there any other time in your life that you will ever get to ride on a fire truck!? How could we say no??!) So- not only did the kids get to do the hose, but the "big kids" did too- after Doug turned the pressure up a little more. :)
After saying a reluctant goodbye to Doug back at the house.... (although Soy got to flip the siren on when we turned onto our street!), we went inside for a couple of fire truck themed games, then a yummy dinner of pizza, lasagna, salad. Presents followed and no party would be complete without CAKE! My friend Christy made the cake for Soy and did an amazing job!
Everyone left around 8 and Soy went to bed shortly after. No nap today meant constant talks about "attitude adjustment" - so it was no surprise that he fell asleep in 5 mins :)

I'm glad we did this for his party. Was it over the top? Most definitely. Will he remember this forever? Most likely. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! We won't do this every year, but it was a fun party and I'm sure I'll be planning more in my future :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Birthday Letter to Sawyer

Well my little man- you are 3 today. There were days when I wondered if we all were going to make it through unscathed and days that I wish could have gone on forever. The good days, the bad days, and the in between days are what makes you the wonderful, stubborn, amazing you. You have learned SO much this past year! You stopped using your booster seat shortly after turning 2, saying you were a big boy now and didn't need it. :) You potty trained in one day- looking at me like it was no big deal when I was loudly cheering you on. :) You started Noah's Preschool and a little bit of my heart crushed as I watched my baby walk in to school on his own with his backpack on. You started Play to Learn Preschool too and more mornings than not, I left in tears and called your teacher to make sure you were okay. I love the fact that you have grown even the last few months, especially with school. You happily go into school, sometimes forgetting to give me a goodbye hug and kiss! You spell your name and count to 20. You spell "S-T-O-P", know all your shapes, colors, and letters, and use scissors very well. You know the traffic light colors and their meanings (sometimes to my dismay!) You are working on spelling 'Mom', 'Dad' and reading small words like 'yes' and 'no.' I am amazed at how much you have learned this year. You love a challenge- be it intellectually or behaviorally! You've outgrown your trike in one year and have learned you can now bike faster than mom and dad can run. You are extremely polite when you hold the door open for us. You are extremely compassionate and kind to animals. You love doing your chores and are great at them- feeding the cats and dog, taking the recycling out, and letting the dog outside. You love to sing and do so.... often.... loudly :) I wouldn't change it for anything in the world! Your favorite song is "The Wheels On The Bus" and often put new words into the tune to make up your own song. You are an amazing person, inside and out and even though there are really bad days, I wouldn't change anything about you. I love you when you are happy and laughing; and when you are sad and crying. I love you when you are stubborn and pouting; and when you are asking "Why" all the time. I love you because you are you. Happy Birthday Sawyer. May this year be filled with even more wonder and amazement. - Love Mommy