Oh YES we did! Thanks to a friend of a friend, we got a REAL fire truck to come to the house! Lights, sirens, the whole NINE yards! :) Doug was awesome! He gave Soy a little matchbox fire truck and Soy got to wear a hat and coat.Then we all got to ride on the fire truck. Thought we were going to go around the neighborhood, but since there is an elementary school right around the corner, we decided to go there and unleash the hose. :) So- me, Soy, Liam, Ben and Ivan climbed on up. (really, is there any other time in your life that you will ever get to ride on a fire truck!? How could we say no??!) So- not only did the kids get to do the hose, but the "big kids" did too- after Doug turned the pressure up a little more. :)
After saying a reluctant goodbye to Doug back at the house.... (although Soy got to flip the siren on when we turned onto our street!), we went inside for a couple of fire truck themed games, then a yummy dinner of pizza, lasagna, salad. Presents followed and no party would be complete without CAKE! My friend Christy made the cake for Soy and did an amazing job!
Everyone left around 8 and Soy went to bed shortly after. No nap today meant constant talks about "attitude adjustment" - so it was no surprise that he fell asleep in 5 mins :)
I'm glad we did this for his party. Was it over the top? Most definitely. Will he remember this forever? Most likely. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! We won't do this every year, but it was a fun party and I'm sure I'll be planning more in my future :)
awesome! i made a fire truck cake once and it was awesome, until the cab fell over on it's face before the party :( oh well!